On average the pages are fully displayed in only 0.3 to 0.5 seconds.
The page continously achieves a 97-99 mobile Lighthouse performance score.
Content editors have full control of the site without requiring developer's help.
The project
Winding Road Motorcars needed a website where they can sell classic and rare motorcars, handle their consignment, write a blog, market their services, and have an e-commerce shop for car parts.
We chose Next.js as the foundation for the website using its static export functionality. Nothing on the site uses SSR, everything is statically generated. This gives a huge boost on performance, and allows the site to serve as many customers as possible.
For headless CMS we chose Storyblok, as it has great built-in live editor, allowing easy page and car inventory editing.
The car part e-commerce shop is built using headless Shopify.
The results
Page is fully displayed in only ~0.4 seconds.
On average, according to GTmetrix, the pages are fully visible in 0.3 to 0.5 seconds (on the featured test, the site was fully painted in 340ms).
On top of great page loading times, the site continously achieves 97-99 Lighthouse performance score on mobile. Higher performance enables Winding Road to rank better on search engines.
* All tests are done before any 3rd party scripts are added on the site (such as analytics)
Car inventory
Using Storyblok, the team at Winding Road can easily update their car inventory. They see what the car listing page will look like in real-time inside the CMS, no need to do preview builds before publishing content.
The car listing also allows the visitors to book a test drive and submit trade-in request.
100% control over the site
Winding Road team has full control over their site. By using Storyblok's visual editor, they will see what the changes will look like in real-time.
New pages are easy to create and update using components that can be ordered any way wanted and used on any page, including the shop and car pages. CTA buttons, popups, images, and forms can be applied to any text on the page, as they are using rich text fields.