Thanks to our unique position as solely Jamstack experts, we have experience on building a wide range of Astro.js sites with high performance and great SEO. You can read our perfect SEO with Astro.js for Samurai case study to see performance statistics of our end results.
Get in touch with usAs Astro provides fully static sites, the entire site can be served via a CDN. Not just the images, but also the CSS, JS, fonts, and HTML files.
Astro takes this even further than Gatsby and Next.js: by not relying on React like Gatsby and Next do, the site can ship with literally zero JavaScript, making the site even faster.
Since with Astro a potential backend or CMS connection happens on build time, users do not interact with the backend at all. This makes the site very secure for both your company and the visitors.
A static Astro site is just HTML, CSS, and JS. It is tamper-proof, malicious visitors can't harm your site from your front-end as there is no backend or database to access.
Astro can be hosted very easily with existing static host solutions such as Netlify, Vercel, CloudFlare Pages, and AWS Amplify. No need to get complicated with a custom server!
This still doesn't mean that you can't use a custom server, you can use a custom server if you wish.
If you want to enable your entire team to edit your site, you most likely want to connect the site to a headless CMS platform.
We have currently worked with Contentful, Storyblok, Dato CMS, Prismic, Agility, Strapi, Directus, WordPress, and Shopify. If your choice of a CMS is not on that list, don't worry, learning a new CMS after using so many takes no effort at all — they all function the same.
Our recommendations currently are Storyblok or Contentful for regular marketing sites, Strapi or Directus if self-hosting the CMS is important for you, and Shopify for e-commerce.
We work with any field, but most of our clients are from medical fields, tech startups, agencies, and education.
There is no single answer, but on average our builds take 2-4 weeks.
We see a lot of similarities with Astro and early Gatsby. We do think Astro will have a great future, and that's why we have decided to provide development for it.
Hi, my name is Jere, I'm an Astro freelancer and I will be the one who answers 👋! So far every Astro site that I have developed has scored full 100 scores on Lighthouse, which is amazing!
If we are not unusually busy, we can get started on developing your site within a couple of days after signing a contract.
If you need backend functionalities such as user logins, real-time data or backend authentication, we recommend you have a look at our Next.js development.
We prefer Astro over Next.js for fully static sites, but Next.js takes the win if there is a need for an active backend connection within the site.
If the backend functionality that you need is not major, it can also be achieved by serverless functions.
You can see most of them on our Astro vs. Gatsby vs. Next.js SEO comparison.
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